March: Decorate your very own kite! (Children in K-6)

March: Decorate your very own kite! (Children in K-6)

For our younger children, we are happy to offer this craft stick kite kit decorative hanger!

For our younger children, we are happy to offer this craft stick kite kit decorative hanger!

March 2021 Second Saturday Art Cafe’

The art projects for this month are: (Pre-K kids) colorful craft stick kite hanger and (K-6) decorate your own kite. Each kit will also include some fun art pages for coloring or drawing that go with the kite theme. March is known for its windy days, so get your kit, use permanent markers or paint or stickers to create your own unique design, and then take a picture of you designing your kite and/or flying it and send it to us for our photo gallery! (

For more information on the kite kit, check out this flyer.

PARENT PICK-UP AT THE FINE ARTS CENTER: Saturday, March 13, 10am - Noon,

21 W. Main Street, Pulaski, VA